Friday, September 23, 2011

Gabe: Paddle Trip

Last Sunday Dad, Marney and I went canoeing at Webberville Park in the Colorado River with the Campfire USA.  There were a lot more people there than the last time.  There were about 20 boats.  When we got there we moved our cars to the other end of the river so when we were done canoeing we would have our cars.  Then we waited when the other people moved their cars.  When we started it was hard for us and we were turning in circles so I had to switch canoes.  I didn't weigh enough to weigh down the end of the canoe so the wind and the current was pushing us in circles.  Then canoeing went good after we switched canoes.  We paddled for two hours and went about 4 1/2 miles.  My favorite stroke is the one where you turn sideways, it is called a pull stroke.  You put the paddle in out far in the water, and you pull it in to the boat and it makes you move towards the side that you are pulling.  When I got to the end I went back and I got back in my canoe with Marney and Dad so I could finish with them.  Then we got out and went to go eat burritos.  I thought it was really fun and I am excited about going in February for our two day trip.


Avery! :D

LOVE the burrito face Gabe! Love it!!!!

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