Friday, September 9, 2011

Mason: Blog Of The Day

     What happened on 9/11 was there was a terrorist attack. Two planes hit the Twin Towers in New York. Later the Twin Towers collapsed to the ground and killed thousands.  Many of the people that were killed were police and firemen.  Another plane hit the Pentagon which is in Washington D.C.  Another plane tried to hit the White House but the passengers crashed it into a field in Pennsylvania.  The terrorists were Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda.  They were the ones behind it.
     How it effected the U.S. is people were scared and did not feel safe.  The U.S. went to war in Afghanistan to catch Osama bin Laden. There are new safety rules, people have to check yore bags and use metal detectors to make sure you have no weapons.  They only do that where there are large groups getting together.  A lot of soldiers have been killed because of the wars in the Middle East.
     How 9/11 effected the world is there is more security around the world.  People have been involved in the war. Some helped us catch Osama bin Laden.  There has been a lot of fighting in the Middle East.  There is a new government in Iraq.  There have been more attacks due to reaction to 9/11. 


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