Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

       The drought in Texas has been going on since October of last year.  A drought is a lack of water for an amount of time.  There have been fires recently in central Texas.  There are currently burn bans in place due to the drought. The burn ban is supposed to be over around the twenty first of this month.  This drought is drier than the drought in 1895.  I wonder when it will end.

       We can only guess how many days it will be.  All I have been able to find out is that it will continue.  It might continue for a few weeks or for the rest of this month.  No one knows exactly how long it will last, and when they come up with a forecast that's just as good as making a guess.  This drought's been going on for a while and because of that I hope that it ends soon.  In short it could continue for another few days, a week or so hopefully, but it could also continue for a few months or years.

     Different types of droughts affect different parts of modern life.  Whether you farm for a living, swim, or do something else, you can be affected by droughts.  For farming a drought causes the soil to no longer be moist.  Some droughts dry up the water in one area so if you swim you aren't going to be able to swim constantly during some types of drought.  If you play sports, fish, swim or do much of anything outside of an air-conditioned room, you have to drink a lot of water during a drought.  If you don't you might get dehydrated.

      Because of the drought we had to stop gardening for this season all together.  That means no fresh jalapenos, or any of the other stuff we plant!  It's also extremely hot here.  This is the hottest it has been in years.  I am kind of upset that we can't garden much this season.  I was looking forward to fresh jalapenos, or even fresh salsa.  I would have liked it if we could garden this month, but I guess we can't.


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