Thursday, September 1, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

Spend Time With The  Kids:    I have been doing much better spending time with the family.  I have allowed some people to enter my bedroom and play video games with me or watch youtube videos we both enjoy.  Maybe if Max and Jack behave well today I'll let them come in and watch my Let's Play videos.  More on the subject- I have been doing better with this goal, but I think I could still spend more time with the family.  Even if that means watching the shows I have no interest in.

Learn To Drive:  About this one, I have to say it can't continue for a while.  I know you're all thinking "Excuses, excuses," but I can't continue it until Mommio finds one of the manuals online.  I hate having to post excuses as much as people hate reading them, but it's true.  I want to learn to drive, but I can't currently.


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