Thursday, September 15, 2011

Connor: The Deadly Problem: Chapter 1: Awakening

    I woke up staring at my surroundings.  I couldn't remember a thing.  My head was aching as I sat up.  This wouldn't be just another day.  I had thought of escape, but I realized all too soon that it was impossible.  It's the moments when life is at its roughest point that reminds you you've still got something to hang onto.  Sadly, that wasn't how it worked for me.

      I knew something or someone didn't want me there.  As it turned out I hadn't wanted to be there myself.  I was promised I wouldn't have to go through this, my parents had told me that things like this never happened to good people.  They lied, this type of thing always happened to someone when they thought it wouldn't.  My mistake was that I had trusted everyone who said it would never occur.  Looks like I'm as much of a gullible idiot as I thought.  When the going gets tough I start thinking a new way out.

I could hear the voices.  All the people to meet this tragic fate.  Screaming at me that I might be the only one with a chance to survive.  I am the last survivor of the human race.  Trapped for eternity in this accursed area.  I kept trying to find my way out, but whoever was keeping me here was going to pay the price.  I heard the voice of something, a being with more intelligence than an average of my species.  I thought it  was a god, but for all I knew it was my own imagination.

I had always been susceptible to pranks, perhaps this was one.  The strange voice said "Mortal your life will end in this building.  Show yourself and I can speed up the process."  I was startled, something, someone wanted me dead and wouldn't stop until it succeeded.  I couldn't stand it anymore, I was either completely mental or something was really communicating with me.  The being said "Come on out human, it's okay no one died at all.........  Well except just about everyone!  I am just here to 'asses your knowledge' like I should.  It's all a test."  The way this thing said test shocked and terrified me.  It reminded me of a video game the other humans played in the distant past.

I hesitated for a while then said "You are just using common knowledge of an ancient video game!  Back off or I swear I will kill myself."  The being did not respond for a long, long while.  Taking advantage of the situation I ran back toward cover and hid.  Unfortunately I looked to closely at the floor of the room.  There lay the bones and corpses of those who were killed before me.  I couldn't hide here forever, but it would do for a while.

The being, who had a male voice, said "Why, isn't that what I would want you to do?  If you kill yourself, then technically I did my job correctly and at the same time sent you to the pit of despair.  Death is but one step in my master plan for humanity, Misery is the second along with torture.  Think human, I have one purpose and that is to drive everything around me totally bonkers!  I am neither man nor woman, I am but a being beyond your comprehension.  The ancients of your kind knew me by many names."

I thought long and hard about the clues given, but couldn't peace them together.  Suddenly I shouted out in a loud tone "Your a ghoul and your king is an evil jerk!"  Then I ran again hiding every few seconds.  I knew I couldn't last very long, if it got me I would be dead then tortured in that order.  I was dealing with a very dangerous issue and probably would never survive.



Awesome, Connor. When do we get part 2?

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