Thursday, September 1, 2011

Kiki: Blog Of The Day

Sing-  I am not singing.  I don't want to have this as my goal.
Paint-  We have been doing art class more so that means I have been painting more.  I have been using gouache paints.  I like painting with the gouache paints because you can mix the colors all together.  My favorite thing to paint would be a house.
Grow Hair-  I am not growing my hair out anymore because I want my hair like it is now.  I am going to dye my hair this week.  I am going to dye my hair blue.
Piano- I am going to learn how to play the piano.  I am going to learn how to play it really good.  I learned how to play a few songs and I learned the keys.  Ava is teaching me piano.  I want to learn eight songs this month.


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