Thursday, September 8, 2011

Gabe:Blog of the Day

     A Punny Day
By Gabe
     One day it was very punny in the sky and the man heard a storm was coming in near his office and there was supposed to be no light so he stayed home. He wanted to go shopping so he did and he got pizza. So he was trying to eat his pizza but a raccoon got it. Then he went to bed in his house.
     When he woke up he ate food and thought it was yummy so he kept eating. He went to his punny friend's house. He ate pizza at his friend's house until he threw up. He saw his work was open and the lights were working.
     So he drove over to his work and started working. He is a vet so he started looking at his first pet. His assistant told him to eat out side with him that punny day so he went out side with him. Everybody was there and then a whole bunch of water fell on them.
The End


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