Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mason: Blog Of The Day

     A drought is a period without any rain.  A drought can cause plants and crops to die.   Fires can start more easily.  When there is no water and plants all the animals start to die.  Droughts have been happening all around the world, in Africa it is bad.  People have been leaving homes because they need water to survive.
     The Texas 2011 drought has lasted for ten months.  It is not as bad as the one in the 1940's.  We don't know how long it will last.  The lakes are only 42% full now.  The reason there are droughts in 2011 is because of a strong la Nina weather pattern.
     There are a lot of fires this week and they have started because everything is dry.  They spread fast and are hard to put out.  The fires have destroyed 500 homes in Bastrop, near Austin.  People have been evacuated from their homes.  The fires are still not under control.
     How it effects us is more people are on our lakes.  We can't water our garden.  I am worried about the fires in Austin.  We can't camp as much because we can't have fires.


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