Thursday, September 8, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

One Punny Story
By Avery
     One day Jerry and John were walking down a road.  They were walking to a celebration that they have with all of their family.  They invited all their cousins, uncles, aunts, parents, grandparents and some of the elderly from their neighborhood that they treat like family.  They invited some of their "rebel" friends to help them pull a punny prank on everyone.  When all of the family was gathered and their friends were there, they started preparing for the prank.  "Okay first thing is first. No puns!", said Jerry.  "Well that's just punderful.", said one of their friends in a sarcastic tone.  Everyone laughed at his humor.
     They all filled up buckets of water while the rest of the family started to take their seats.  They got twelve buckets of water and went to the balcony above everyone.  One person put spoiled milk in theirs.  "Why the milk dude?", asked John, slightly laughing as he said it.  "Hey don't have a cow!  Get it?  Because it's milk and your a little frustrated about it.  You getting this?", replied the same friend that wouldn't listen.  Everyone stared at him like he was a freak.  Everyone that knew him thought he was awesome, but he was annoying, because he told all of those puns.  They all lifted up their buckets and waited for everyone to be seated.
     They lifted the buckets higher and poured all of the water and one bucket of milk on top of everyone there.  There were screams and yells for help coming from the crowd.  No one was hurt, but they sure were scared.  John, Jerry and their "rebel" friends all went down to sit with the family and act like they were getting wet too.  Jerry whispered to John "Hey, Duke finally shut up and stopped using puns."  "Hey this prank was so punny guys! All the puns and the prank. Best. Day. Ever!", replied Duke in a shrieking tone.


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