Thursday, September 15, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

The Hunt
By Avery
     "Ahh, What a nice breeze.  Don't you agree Markus?", said Markus' dad as they reached the top of the big, snowy mountain.
     "Nice?!  You call this nice?  It is freezing cold and I am hungry and our horse can't carry to much food!  I want to leave now.", replied Markus as he sat down on the top of the mountain next to his horse named Kary.
     "Give me a break.  We dressed in these heavy fur coats for a reason son.  And that reason is to..", Markus interrupted Him.
     "To what?  Starve to death?!  Come on, these goggles are annoying, my fur coats are heavy and itchy and I can hardly move my hands in these gloves.  Plus, The only reason we came up here was to hunt mountain goats."
     "I will admit that what you are wearing is heavy, but who cares.  This is my job.  If I don't do it, we won't have any money to buy food and I will have to hunt every day to find food and we really do not want that at all, do we now?"
     "Okay, I don't want to have you hunt every night for food.  Although it would be interesting.  Hey!  Why are you not wearing many clothes Papa?!"
     He rolled his eyes dramatically, "Because I am much older and I am not affected by the cold weather as much as you are."
     Markus laughed really hard then said, "Sure... Sure.  We'll say that for now."
     Markus' dad stood up and yelled at him, "You do not mock your Papa!  Some day you will be hunting and then you will have to teach your son how to do so, like I have to.   Now stop acting like a fool and help me look for food.  I will hunt the animals and you can go pick berries from that tree over there.", his Papa pointed to a bush to the left.  Markus ran over to the bush and started picking the berries as fast as he could.  While doing so, he also ate some of the berries.
     Markus heard a gun shot and ran over as fast as possible. "Papa!  Did you kill the mountain goat?!  Did you?"
     "No.  I missed it by an inch.  I just need to practice on my shooting.  I haven't done it in a few days."
     Markus grabbed a gun off of Kary's back.  He shot at a goose and it fell to the ground. "Papa!  I shot the goose!  I shot the goose!  I will go get it for you to see."
     "Okay son.  Good luck.", he said as Markus ran towards the goose.
     "I'm back!  And look, I shot it in the stomach!  Good shot, am I right?"
     "Yes, that is great son.  Now you have to learn how to fish with spears!"
     The son grew up to be a professional hunter like his Papa and hunted dinner for the poor.


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