Friday, September 23, 2011

Mason: Chess

I have been playing chess with Gabe.  He has been teaching me all he knows.  
 Like how many spaces they move.  The pawns move one space forward but when you first move pawns they can move two spaces.  The nights can move three spaces, but they have to make an L shape.  The rooks can move side to side, up and down until you capture a guy.  The bishops can only move diagonally and move until they capture a guy.  A queen can move all directions until they capture a guy.  A king can move all directions but can go one space.  When your king is in check you have to move him.  If the king is in check mate you lose, but if you put his king in check mate he loses. And the last thing he taught me was stale mate.  A stale mate is when you can't catch his king and he can't get your king. I am having a lot of fun playing chess whit Gabe. 


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