Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Gabe: Blog Of The Day

     My first class is Music down stairs in room 2.  The teacher is Beth Hotchkiss and she is very nice.  In class we sing and play instruments.  This week we sang and learned hand notes.  I liked the class.
     My next class was Hands On down stairs in room 2.  The teacher is Ellen Bankhead and she has really good crafting skills.  We do a lot of crafting in class.  In class we started making rugs with t-shirts.  I love doing her class.
     My next class was  Gym, in the gym.  The teacher is John Maverick and he is a magician.  We do exercise in the class.  I did 11 laps across the room in five minutes in gym class.  His class is tiring.
     My next class was Science up stairs in room 2.  The teacher is John Maverick again and he is really cool.  In class we read some and do science experiments.  This week in class we shot spit balls out of straws and to see if a wet one or a dry one goes farther.  The class is really fun.
     My next class is English up stairs in room 3.  The teacher is Brett Reeves and he has one eye.  In class we do spelling. This week in class we listened to Uncle Remus stories.  The class is fun.
     My next class is Drama class up stairs in room 1.  The teacher is John Maverick.  What we do in class is make a play.  What we did this week was played some games and talked about the script.  The class is really fun.
     My next class was Chess.  The teacher is Paul Hawkins and he is nice.  What we do in class is play chess.  What we did in class this week was use the giant chess board and played on teams.  I love the class.


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