Thursday, September 29, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Many Questions
By Avery Jones
     I was outside of a doughnut shop thinking about my pet lion that I worked with in the circus last year.  I went home to find him missing.  His cage was empty, his steaks were not eaten and were lying on the floor, and his leash was missing.  I paced around the room thinking of a way to get him back.  First I had to pick suspects.  The guy at the ATM dressed as a Native American seemed very suspicious.  I stalked him for two days finding out what he does and why he does it.  Soon I decided to call him and talk.  I invited him to my office to have a meeting at four 'o clock pm.  I called it our four 'o clock meeting.
     I stared at the man and waited for him to speak up.  He sat there quietly and looked at me with fear in his eyes.  That made it obvious that he was the villain.  I sat down in front of him, grabbed the desk lamp and pointed in his face!
     "Who are you and why did you steal my pet lion?!", I yelled in an angry tone, getting the desk lamp and my face closer to him.
     "I am Fox.  Leader of my tribe.  And you are?", he crossed his arms and looked into my eyes with frustration.
     "I see, Fox!  Now... why did you take BrownieMcMuffinPants?!  Where is he?!  Do you enjoy stealing people's lions for your minions, or whatever you call them, to eat?!", I threw the desk lamp onto the ground and he had no reaction to it.
     "What?  You gonna play some stupid trick on me to think you're all nice and innocent?  Huh?!"
     "It is very rude for you to blame me for something I did not do.  Every single person in my tribe is a vegetarian and we help take care of wounded animals.  We did not take your cat.  I am very sorry but I think you have the wrong person.", He was very calm when he said that and it seemed, by the tone of his voice, he was telling the truth.
     "He is not a cat.  He is a brave, strong, frightening.....", Fox interrupted me.
     " Lion?  If so, turn around and look behind you."
     "I don't fall for those dumb tricks!  I'm not gonna look!  You think you can fool me with your childish games?!  Bah!  Leave!  Leave before I carry you out!", I pointed my finger at him and he seemed to be surprised.
     "Sir?  Do you read faces?", He asked as his voice raised.
     " How did you figure that out?  Do you read faces too, or are you some evil Native American robot from the future, that had to come back in time and kill the whole world by tricking them and then brainwashing their huge brains?"
     " Uh, no.  You are just acting strange.  Most people that do that kind of stuff are either mentally ill or they read faces.  That's what I have been told by the face readers from my tribe."
     "Oh.  So you didn't steal my lion?  Sorry dude.  I thought you were some bad guy."
     "Nope, your lion has been behind you all day.  Every time you turn around, he moves behind you, just turn your head around, you will understand.  Okay?", He pointed to something next to me.
     I turned around and found BrownieMcMuffinPants sitting behind me eating his steak.  I got up and thanked Fox for his help.  I took BrownieMcMuffinPants home and put him in his cage with a couple of sheep.  It turned out to be an interesting day after all.


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