Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

     First I went to science. Jeff Mitchell is my science teacher. He is cool because he does experiments with water. One time he got acid on his hand, but the good thing is that he washed it off really fast and it only left a few marks. In science we talked about hypothesis and observations. We had to make a hypothesis about what we thought would happen when we put vinegar and baking soda. I said that it would fizz up and over flow into the bucket below him. My homework for this week is to make an observation every day. I am marking down how many times I yawn this week. I liked that class, but it wasn't my favorite.
     Then I went to English class. My teacher in English was Brett Reeves. He is fun and cool, and he has a "missing" eye. So he has to wear an eye patch everywhere he goes. In class we talked about each other and what we did this summer and then we talked about books and movies that are about growing up, physically and/or mentally. Some people said Harry Potter. Then we talked about the book The Light Princess. My homework is to read The Light Princess and write about something that made us grow up and changed our lives. I am going to write about when I got my tortoise Pedro. I thought the class was very interesting, but that's because I'm the only girl in English and Science.
     My third class was Hands-On Project, with Ellen Bankhead (the teacher). In hands on we talked a lot about what type of crafting we are good at. For example, knitting, crochet, sewing, using a sewing machine and all kinds of stuff like that. There were four other girls there and we all liked the sewing. The guys all talked about making copper armor and swords. After talking for half of the class we all started making mats. Allissa, Jessica and I cut the mats into small squares. The mats had tons of holes and small squares in them so that we could tie stuff around it. I am going to fill up my entire mat and put my name on it. I love Hands-On class because I get to hang out with my friends and make crafts. I might even make a big, fluffy pillow.
     Then I had lunch. I know lunch isn't a class, but I thought I should still talk about it. I sat at a table with my friend Cheyenne, Mason, and two other boys. I ate almost all of my food (I was starving) and talked to my friends. I like that class because I get to eat.
      Next class was film. The teacher that taught film was Drew Thomas. I like Drew because he talks kind of fast and he shows us some kind of really short film almost every class. In film we talked about the history behind movies and films. Drew told us that seventy percent of the first  films are lost and that there are probably more lost films than there are existing films right now. I love film because this year we are working on more of the technical stuff and instead of making our own movie, we are going to film the drama class.
     After film I went to photography, which was also taught by Drew Thomas. In photography we basically did the same thing we did in film but we looked at photos and talked about the history behind photos. I learned that most of the colors are made out of red, blue and green. I thought that was pretty awesome. I liked photography. Next week I have to bring my camera so that we can compare some of them and see what's good and bad.
     My last class was gym. John Maverick was the teacher for gym. John is really awesome, because he is funny.  He's a magician and he's really cool. In gym we did push-ups, crunches, pullups, ran laps for 5 minutes (I did thirteen laps), and then we played human foosball. I liked gym even though it was very exhausting and I am really sore the next day. My favorite part of gym was when we did pullups (I could only do one and a half). I can't wait til next week.


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