Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mason: Blog Of The Day

     My first day back to Joan's Academy was fun.  My first class was Science with Jeff Mitchell.  I really like my science teacher.  What we are going to do in the class is talk about acids and bases and physics.  What we did in science this week is talk about the scientific method. I like the class.
     My next class was English with Brett Reeves.  I like Brett Reeves.  What we are doing in the class is reading books.  What we did in class this week is we are supposed to read The Light Princess. I like this class.
     My next class was Hands On with Ellen Bankhead.  I like her.  What we do in this class is make stuff.  What we did this week was make mats by tying knots. I like this class.
     My next class was Film with Drew Thomas. I like him.  What we do in this class is learn how to film.  What we did this week was learn about how motion movies were made.  I like this class.
      My next class was Computer Programming with Paul Hawkins. I like him.  What we do in this class is learn to make web pages.  What we did this week was learn how to make a page. I like class.
       My last class was Gym Games with John Maverick.  I like him.  What we do in this class is exercise and play games.  What we did in this class was do push ups, run laps, and pull ups.  I like this class.


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