Friday, September 9, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

     On September 11, 2001 many people hijacked four airplanes.  Two of the planes crashed into the twin towers on purpose.  Then one plane crashed into part of the Pentagon.  The last one crashed into a field because people on that plane heard about what was happening from their friends on the phone.  They all attacked the hijackers and crashed into a big field.  The twin towers caught on fire and then crashed in New York.  The Pentagon only had a small part of it torn off.  Many people died from the fire and from jumping out of the building.  Most of the people that died were the police, doctors and firemen that went in to bring others out of the building.  The person that directed all of those terrorists to go hijack the planes on 9/11 was Osama Bin Laden.  He was the leader of a group called Al Qaeda.
     After 9/11 many things in America changed.  For example, before the attack there were no metal detectors because they didn't expect anything like that to happen.  Now they have them at stores, concerts, football fields, airports and other places where many people go.  The United States military also watched what was happening more carefully around the United States.  One of the biggest things that happened is when people from the military were hunting down Osama Bin Laden so that they could kill him.  It took them ten years to find him.  It turned out that the whole time he was hiding in Pakistan.
     A lot of things changed in the world after 9/11.  Everyone watched and paid attention to what was happening around the wold and in other places.  Also there was much less tourism (especially in New York) because people feared that something like what happened in 9/11 might happen again.  The United States military started going to war with people in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Some other countries helpd our side fight in the war.  A lot of people were not happy with what was happening in the wars and that caused fighting in other places.


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