Friday, September 9, 2011

Marney: Blog Of The Day

     The things that happened on September 11, 2001 was from a guy called Bin Laden.  He is the guy who demanded his people to fly airplanes and crash them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  Another plane was going to hit the White House but it flew into a field and people died.  The people that were hitting the towers died too.  The people in the buildings jumped out windows from way up high.  The buildings were big too.
     We all got scared.  People  did not want to go out side that day, they were so scared.  I was not born at that time so I was safe.  We went to war in Afghanistan because we wanted to get Bin Laden. So people died then too. After the war we had safety things. People would check your bag and there would be metal detectors. At the war there were more deaths because of soldiers.
      The war was in the Middle East.  A lot of fighting went on and more fighting then when another war went on.  People were really scared because it could kill them.  I bet if I was born and I was 8 I would be scared. It was a bad choice.


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