Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

By Connor
     Rain is a naturally occurring phenomenon.  The sun causes water to evaporate, which creates clouds.  As more water evaporates the clouds become more dense.  The release of this density is what causes rain.  Thus the entire process continues for eternity.  In a drought it can still rain, but the water tends to evaporate quickly.  Rain is also the cause of a few disasters.
     If there is more rain than needed a flood is caused.  Floods are a very destructive natural disaster.  Here in Marble Falls, the summer before we moved here, there was a flood.  Luckily the flood hadn't ruined Nana's house.  Floods are not very common, even in places near lakes or rivers.  There are a few rain caused disasters that are not considered natural.
     One such problem is slippery roads.  If it is cold enough H2O will freeze on bridges over water or otherwise.  It is advised that one drive slower on an icy bridge.  One can only imagine how many accidents would occur if driving slow and cautiously wasn't advised on frozen roads.  In short rain is very important to survival for humans and animals, because rain gives the animals water to drink and in turn gives us the food we need to live.  However if it rains too much there will be a flood and if it rains while it is below freezing outside, the bridges would freeze.


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