Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lakeside Academy (Sept. 19th): Bubbles

Yesterday at Lakeside Academy it was all about bubbles.  We started out with circle time where we sang some songs, read some books, and had show and tell.  The kids were much better with standing up and talking to the group this week.  Next, we did a little movement time.  We practiced our yoga breathing that we learned last week by pretending to blow ourselves up into BIG bubbles, then pop and slowly let our air out. Then everyone got a balloon and had to pretend it was their very own bubble that they couldn't let pop.  This was lots of fun in Nana's big, empty living room.

 After that it was time for arts and crafts.  Today we did some bubble painting.  Just mix a little water, dish soap and liquid kids paint in a container- let the kids blow bubbles in it with a straw until they are overflowing- then put your paper on top quickly to pop the bubbles and catch the paint.  They all loved this of course!

 Our other craft involved making some homemade bubble blowers out of straws and string.  The kids each made a triangle and a square shape to include in their bubble blowing kit for later in the day.

 Next we were on to lunch time and a quick play outside while Nana and I cleaned the kitchen to 
get ready for cooking class.

 This week in cooking class Nana made Meatball Bubbles with the kids.  It was super simple and ALL if the kids thought they were delicious.  Here's the recipe in case you want to try it at home.

 Finally, for the last two hours of the day we went crazy with the bubbles!  The kids all tried out their homemade bubble kits.  The kits included- an aluminum pie pan, their two string-straw shapes, a small plastic bottle with the bottom cut off, and a bunch of straws taped together.  Each blower made very different bubbles.  We also made our own bubble mix: in a clean gallon milk jug add 3 cups of liquid dish soap and 1 cup of light corn syrup, then fill to the top with water, shake, let sit for a while then use.  It worked great!

 For more adventures in bubbles we made human bubbles with a little pool of bubble mix, a hula hoop (thanks Cassandra!) and some string.  It was pretty cool and the kids all tried out making their own giant bubbles too.

 And by far the favorite of the day was the giant bubble bath!  For this we poured some purchased bubble bath into the inflatable pool and just let them go.  With that many kids running and jumping in the pool the bubbles grew very quickly and led to some very funny, bubble covered kids.

 We couldn't leave out bubble wrap- so we gave the kids each a nice long piece to dance on and pop- and the older girls had some definite fashion ideas.  Though they did say that bubble wraps skirts are pretty itchy when they get wet in an actual bubble bath.

 It was a crazy, fun day!  Next week- PIRATES.


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