Thursday, September 29, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Case Of the Stolen Phone Booth
By Connor M. Jones

It was early in the afternoon.  I had to solve the case by nightfall.  I searched high and low, but there was no phone booth to be found.  I couldn't believe someone had even been able to steal a phone booth.  I saw a shady man in white face paint acting strange.  It wasn't very odd because he was a mime.  That's when I noticed a phone hanging out of his pocket and decided to question him about it.

Being a man of few words the mime didn't say anything.  I knew he would continue giving me the silent treatment until I brought up something that interested him.  I told him about how much money I would pay to hear him speak, unfortunately for him I didn't have my wallet.  When he held out his hand for payment I realized I was going to need a new plan.  Reaching over my shoulder I grabbed the bow on my back.  I had nine arrows in my quiver ready.  I threatened him with my now loaded bow and told him to talk or I'd shoot.

When he wouldn't speak I aimed and fired.  Although I hadn't expected the "I'm trapped in a box" trick.  My arrow was somehow stopped by thin air, I decided I had to start acting like a mime as well.  As soon as he threw off the box I used an invisible lasso, which he walked right into.  I had him hog tied as I pulled out a tomahawk and told him to talk or I would cut his arms off.   Suddenly I heard him speak, he said something about if I went through with my threat he would be unarmed.  I hated the pun and told him to cut the act and tell me what was with the phone in his pocket.

After an hour our two of interrogation, I managed to get him to spill the beans.  Or at least appear to tell the truth.  He told me the phone was his cell phone, but forgot one thing, the phone looked more like a house phone.  I told him I knew he was lying and he thought I was bluffing, until I brought his attention to the shape of the phone.  I said intelligently "Last I checked cell phones are small, however this is more like a house phone in shape!"  I forced him to take the phone out of his pocket and I saw a phone cord.  I said "What, do you have the entire house in your pocket!?"

Eventually he got the phone booth out of his pocket.  I asked "How the heck do you fit a phone booth into your pocket?  Don't say shrinking it, because that phone booth is full sized!"  The mime said to check the booth for finger prints, hoping to throw me a red herring.  I replied "No use.  After all, you're wearing gloves and I'm sure you've been wearing those gloves all day."  Thus I took him back to the police department and said "There you go chief, one criminal to put behind bars.  Be careful though, he's concealing weapons on his person."  That wrapped up the case and the mime.  Now I decided to walk back to my office to await another case.  The End


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