Monday, September 12, 2011

Lakeside Academy (Sept. 12th): All About Me

Here's a peak at how the first day at Lakeside Academy went.  Our theme this week was All About Me! so we spent our time getting to know each other a little bit.  We got together for circle time first where we sang our welcome song, played the Stand Up Game ("stand up if you have brown eyes", "stand up if you like dogs", etc.), read a few stories and then had show-and- tell.

Next was art time- we made full sized body tracing and spent a long time coloring them.  
The kids were all really creative!

Then we had a little lunch break, followed by some outside time in the sprinkler making mud creations.

For our cooking time today we decorated brownie people- Nana showed us all how to spread the frosting and then we were set free with the sugar!

To finish off our day of fun we had a music and movement class- a little dancing, a little signing, a little yoga and lots of LOUD instruments in our own marching band!

Next week- BUBBLES!


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