Thursday, September 29, 2011

Marney: Blog Of The Day

     One day there was a detective who was angry at a person who was walking by him.  The detective saw it was a criminal and asked the criminal "What is your name?"  Then the criminal said "Why do you need to know?"  The detective was thinking why the criminal had face paint on.  Then the criminal said "Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm."
     Then the detective said "Your name is John. The guy who got in jail because of stealing."  The detective said "Why are you out of jail if you should have been there for five years?"  At that point John said "Who needs to know?"  The detective said "I need to know."
     Then John stole some money from a phone booth.  Then the detective called the cops.  When the cops got there the detective said "It was him, he stole money from the phone booth."  Then the cops chased after him.  At that point the detective said "Well, looks like my work here is done."
     Then the detective went home and said "That guys poop is not going to come out good because he ate the money." Then the detective went to jail and said to John who was trying to poop "That poop is not going to look good."


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