Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

    Joan's Academy was awesome.  My first class was Chemistry with Mr. Seltzer.  In Chemistry we covered the states of matter, meaning Solids, Liquids, Gasses, and Plasma.  Mr. Seltzer is a good teacher, because he talked about the different combinations of atoms.  I liked Chemistry, even though this lesson was essentially a review of the basics.

     My second class was geometry with Mr. Nestlerode.  In Geometry we are using a text book that was translated from Russian.  We reviewed the measurements of shapes and talked about the main ideas of geometry.  Mr. Nestlerode was a good teacher, because he explained the steps to geometry.  One step to geometry is a theorem.

    At 11:30 I had English class with Mr. Reeves.  The class started with everyone introducing themselves.  We discussed the books we'll be reading this semester.  One book I have to read for English is Absalom, Absalom! which is about the civil war.  In Absalom, Absalom the characters think about how Thomas Sutpen's arrival in town before the civil war has caused them tragedy.  Sutpen is the main antagonist in the book.  Mr. Reeves is an great teacher, because he keeps the class on topic while also telling us about people he knows.

   After lunch I went to drama class taught by Mr. Maverick.  I enjoyed drama class, because I love to act.  Mr. Maverick had us do a few Improv games.  One was called picture, in this game you would stand up say what you are and then freeze in a pose that looks like what you said you are.  Another game was Freeze, in this game you would act out a scene until Mr. Maverick said freeze then someone would come up and take your place completely changing the scene.  Mr. Maverick is a very funny teacher, because his improv skills are great.

     After that I went to Computer Programming.  Paul taught us that computer programming is a bit easier than it seems.  He asked us for passwords for our own websites he made for the entire class.  He is a good teacher for Computer Programming.  He explained many interesting things about how to program a computer.  One interesting thing is that the code is very simple.  If you want to display something on a website you just type whatever you want it to say then .  It is a simple thing to do, although if you never tried programming a computer it would be difficult to figure it out on your own.

     Next was chess, with the same teacher that I had for computer programming.  This semester we learned about timed chess matches and how to keep ahead of the opponent.  In chess we had set up a big chess board with chess pieces that were bigger than average.  We were on teams for this lesson.  Paul's method of teaching in chess is to let us figure out our moves and chime in when we are getting close to being out of time.  My team lost the first game and Isaac's team won.  Then in the second match my team won and Isaac's team lost.  Chess was one of the most fun classes I had on Monday.  Can't wait for next week.


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