Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mason: Blog Of The Day

Flash Floods
By Mason
     A flash flood is a sudden rush of water caused by heavy rain that falls too fast for the ground to absorb it.  It happens in low, flat areas like canyons and dry river beds.  A flash flood can happen when there is a hurricane or a tropical storm.  It can also happen when a dam collapses.  Flash floods can happen in a drought because when it rains the ground is too dry and hard to absorb the water quick enough.
     A lot of damage is caused by flash floods because of the fast moving water.  It can sweep away cars.  People get caught in their cars because they don't think its too deep to drive through.  A flash flood can destroy everything in its path.  It can knocks down trees.  When you are in a flood there is no protection unless you stay out of the path of the water.
     There are interesting things about flash floods. The worst flood in U.S. history happened in 1889. It happened in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.  It killed 2,200 people.  Flash floods kill more people in the United States every year than any other kind of weather.  


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