Thursday, September 8, 2011

Marney: Blog Of The Day

      One day there were three big boys at Poke Park. Their names were Jack, Jump and Jones.  They were best friends. They thought they were awesome because they were. They wanted to go dance to have pun but they did not get to. So the went to the punny beach.  It was busy, people were everywhere. It was so sunny that they did not want to go in the water. So they went home on the bus.
      They went home and came up with a idea.  The idea was to go to a place with tons of people and dump water on them.  They got tons of buckets and filled them up with water.  Then they found a place. One of the guys said No Punning it is not allowed.  Then they brought the buckets with them.
     They got the buckets and they dumped it all over.  The people started yelling and staring.  Then the boys ran away.  Then they lived happliy ever after.  Just because of that, they were punny.  They were just fine.


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