Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

By Avery
     We all know that rain is basically clouds.  The clouds are made out of water that is gathered up in the sky and when they get too full they "over flow" and it rains.  We also know that when the temperature is below 32 degrees stuff can freeze.  What about when it rains and it's below 32 degrees at the same time?  Sometimes there can be hail, really cold rain, or snow.  Snow is little, cold, thin ice that falls from the clouds like rain does.
     Snow is mostly rain, but frozen.  So imagine little ice flakes falling from the sky.  It snows in many places.  It does not snow much in Texas because it is really hot here and it doesn't rain as much.  For example, it won't snow now because it is hot, and we are in a drought.  It is most likely for it to snow in the winter.  That is because the weather cools down and it is more likely to rain then.
     Sometimes there can be blizzards.  Blizzards are really big snow storms. There are high winds, the snow is coming down really hard, and it can pile up really high.  In Texas there is not much snow, so it's not very likely for there to be blizzards.  For example: Nebraska and The North Pole are more likely to have blizzards.  What I am trying to say is that a blizzard is a terrible storm but with snow.


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