Thursday, September 1, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

   I am a jotun, a being far bigger than a human, who had set out from Jotunheim.  I had not been around humans for centuries so I figured I would explore their world.  I wandered toward the beach and looked into the deepest water.  There I saw a killer whale eating krill and decided to try swimming.  I slipped multiple times on the ocean floor and kept falling over.  Around my third fall I decided to look for the ships I remembered from my last trip out here.

      I found one ship nearby and it looked nothing like the ships I remembered.  It was smaller than the old ships and utilized a motor instead of a sail.  I looked at the tiny mortals on board the boat.  They wore actual clothes instead of fur coats and they had no beards.  These mortal men tried speaking to me, but I could not  understand them.  I tried to ask them what they said previously, but my Norse was a bit rusty.  The men didn't even speak Norse, they spoke a language I'd never heard before.  One of them shuddered just looking at me.  Which was understandable because they'd probably never seen a jotun before.

      The men on the boat were obviously fishing so I put a killer whale in their boat.  They yelled something at me, but I had no understanding of the language.  They held up a piece of paper and pointed to it.  I couldn't make much of it out because the runes inscribed on it looked weird.  I soon traveled again to part of a strange country I had never seen before.  The mortals called it something that started with a rune shaped like two perpendicular twigs and ending in one that resembled a snake.  I traveled around looking at the ports and the vehicles.  The buildings were also interesting.  I saw a building that was half my height!  It was tall with a disc like shape on the top with glass!  The diameter of the disc was the same as the discs we use for our video games.

             Most humans gazed at me, due to how much taller we are compared to them.  I saw a few playing a sport where you try to throw the ball into the net below a hoop.  I walked past a historic site called something starting with the triangular rune and ending with the circular rune.  I saw airplanes much smaller than the ones we use to get around back home.  I saw some moving picture shows projected onto a whole skyscraper.  I eventually became bored with the lack of sciences we have back home and left.  Now I am writing this journal in my house and when I publish it all jotuns will know of the mortal world.


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