Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gabe: Blog Of The Day

 The Horse
 By Gabe

     One day in the Himalayan Mountains there was a guy with a gun and a little boy.
     "How much snow is on the Himalayan Mountains?" asked the boy.
     "I don't know.  I think about 15 ft. of snow.  Let's take a break." said the man.
     "Look over there!  A big white horse.  Let's head over there." exclaimed the boy.
     "We should take it!" said the man excitedly.
     "If we will take, it it will be mine.  Got it?" said the boy.
     "No, it is mine. " said the man.
     "Okay, I will just leave." said the boy.
     So the man shoots the horse and they keep hiking.


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