Friday, September 9, 2011

Gabe: Blog of the Day

     September 11, 2001 was the day when there were three terrorist attacks on America. At first everybody thought it was an accident when the first plane hit the Twin Towers.  Then the second plane hit the Twin Towers and a plane hit the Pentagon and a plane hit a filed in Pennsylvania so the United States knew it was a terrorist attack.  The planes that hit the Twin Towers hit both the towers.  One hit one tower and one hit the other tower.  People were jumping out windows and running away from the fire.  The Pentagon got hit with one plane and that section of the building crashed down.  Then another plane was heading for the White House but it crashed it Pennsylvania.  A lot of people died from the fire and from jumping out of windows.  People were trying to save them and a lot of the people who where trying to save them died too.  The buildings crashed and killed more people.  The United States figured out that Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden did this.
     After that everybody was scared and worried because the United States wasn't in any wars before that, so it was new.  The United States went to war in Afghanistan so they could get Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda.  They also went to war in Iraq to get Saddam Hussein because they thought he had weapons and that he was helping Osama Bin Laden.  Ten years later there is still a war in Afghanistan.  We are still having troops die in war.  Now we have metal detectors and you have to have your bags checked for guns and bombs. We have much more security now, especially at big events.
     Other countries are also involved in the wars in the Middle East. Other countries have improved their security, like using metal detectors.  They also have security check people's bags at large events.  There have been more terrorist attacks around the world because of the wars in the Middle East.  


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