Thursday, September 29, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Case Of the Stolen Phone Booth
By Connor M. Jones

It was early in the afternoon.  I had to solve the case by nightfall.  I searched high and low, but there was no phone booth to be found.  I couldn't believe someone had even been able to steal a phone booth.  I saw a shady man in white face paint acting strange.  It wasn't very odd because he was a mime.  That's when I noticed a phone hanging out of his pocket and decided to question him about it.

Being a man of few words the mime didn't say anything.  I knew he would continue giving me the silent treatment until I brought up something that interested him.  I told him about how much money I would pay to hear him speak, unfortunately for him I didn't have my wallet.  When he held out his hand for payment I realized I was going to need a new plan.  Reaching over my shoulder I grabbed the bow on my back.  I had nine arrows in my quiver ready.  I threatened him with my now loaded bow and told him to talk or I'd shoot.

When he wouldn't speak I aimed and fired.  Although I hadn't expected the "I'm trapped in a box" trick.  My arrow was somehow stopped by thin air, I decided I had to start acting like a mime as well.  As soon as he threw off the box I used an invisible lasso, which he walked right into.  I had him hog tied as I pulled out a tomahawk and told him to talk or I would cut his arms off.   Suddenly I heard him speak, he said something about if I went through with my threat he would be unarmed.  I hated the pun and told him to cut the act and tell me what was with the phone in his pocket.

After an hour our two of interrogation, I managed to get him to spill the beans.  Or at least appear to tell the truth.  He told me the phone was his cell phone, but forgot one thing, the phone looked more like a house phone.  I told him I knew he was lying and he thought I was bluffing, until I brought his attention to the shape of the phone.  I said intelligently "Last I checked cell phones are small, however this is more like a house phone in shape!"  I forced him to take the phone out of his pocket and I saw a phone cord.  I said "What, do you have the entire house in your pocket!?"

Eventually he got the phone booth out of his pocket.  I asked "How the heck do you fit a phone booth into your pocket?  Don't say shrinking it, because that phone booth is full sized!"  The mime said to check the booth for finger prints, hoping to throw me a red herring.  I replied "No use.  After all, you're wearing gloves and I'm sure you've been wearing those gloves all day."  Thus I took him back to the police department and said "There you go chief, one criminal to put behind bars.  Be careful though, he's concealing weapons on his person."  That wrapped up the case and the mime.  Now I decided to walk back to my office to await another case.  The End

Marney: Blog Of The Day

     One day there was a detective who was angry at a person who was walking by him.  The detective saw it was a criminal and asked the criminal "What is your name?"  Then the criminal said "Why do you need to know?"  The detective was thinking why the criminal had face paint on.  Then the criminal said "Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm."
     Then the detective said "Your name is John. The guy who got in jail because of stealing."  The detective said "Why are you out of jail if you should have been there for five years?"  At that point John said "Who needs to know?"  The detective said "I need to know."
     Then John stole some money from a phone booth.  Then the detective called the cops.  When the cops got there the detective said "It was him, he stole money from the phone booth."  Then the cops chased after him.  At that point the detective said "Well, looks like my work here is done."
     Then the detective went home and said "That guys poop is not going to come out good because he ate the money." Then the detective went to jail and said to John who was trying to poop "That poop is not going to look good."

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Many Questions
By Avery Jones
     I was outside of a doughnut shop thinking about my pet lion that I worked with in the circus last year.  I went home to find him missing.  His cage was empty, his steaks were not eaten and were lying on the floor, and his leash was missing.  I paced around the room thinking of a way to get him back.  First I had to pick suspects.  The guy at the ATM dressed as a Native American seemed very suspicious.  I stalked him for two days finding out what he does and why he does it.  Soon I decided to call him and talk.  I invited him to my office to have a meeting at four 'o clock pm.  I called it our four 'o clock meeting.
     I stared at the man and waited for him to speak up.  He sat there quietly and looked at me with fear in his eyes.  That made it obvious that he was the villain.  I sat down in front of him, grabbed the desk lamp and pointed in his face!
     "Who are you and why did you steal my pet lion?!", I yelled in an angry tone, getting the desk lamp and my face closer to him.
     "I am Fox.  Leader of my tribe.  And you are?", he crossed his arms and looked into my eyes with frustration.
     "I see, Fox!  Now... why did you take BrownieMcMuffinPants?!  Where is he?!  Do you enjoy stealing people's lions for your minions, or whatever you call them, to eat?!", I threw the desk lamp onto the ground and he had no reaction to it.
     "What?  You gonna play some stupid trick on me to think you're all nice and innocent?  Huh?!"
     "It is very rude for you to blame me for something I did not do.  Every single person in my tribe is a vegetarian and we help take care of wounded animals.  We did not take your cat.  I am very sorry but I think you have the wrong person.", He was very calm when he said that and it seemed, by the tone of his voice, he was telling the truth.
     "He is not a cat.  He is a brave, strong, frightening.....", Fox interrupted me.
     " Lion?  If so, turn around and look behind you."
     "I don't fall for those dumb tricks!  I'm not gonna look!  You think you can fool me with your childish games?!  Bah!  Leave!  Leave before I carry you out!", I pointed my finger at him and he seemed to be surprised.
     "Sir?  Do you read faces?", He asked as his voice raised.
     " How did you figure that out?  Do you read faces too, or are you some evil Native American robot from the future, that had to come back in time and kill the whole world by tricking them and then brainwashing their huge brains?"
     " Uh, no.  You are just acting strange.  Most people that do that kind of stuff are either mentally ill or they read faces.  That's what I have been told by the face readers from my tribe."
     "Oh.  So you didn't steal my lion?  Sorry dude.  I thought you were some bad guy."
     "Nope, your lion has been behind you all day.  Every time you turn around, he moves behind you, just turn your head around, you will understand.  Okay?", He pointed to something next to me.
     I turned around and found BrownieMcMuffinPants sitting behind me eating his steak.  I got up and thanked Fox for his help.  I took BrownieMcMuffinPants home and put him in his cage with a couple of sheep.  It turned out to be an interesting day after all.

Kiki: Blog Of The Day

The Evil Clown
By Kiki
     Once upon a time there was a clown and a detective.  The clown wanted a cat but he couldn't get a cat so he decided to steal one.  Then he got his cat and went to a store to buy some cat food, but there was no cat food there so he decided to steal that.  The detective found out about him stealing the cat and the cat food so he decided to put him in jail.  Then the clown got out of jail and he decided to go steal a bunch of things.  When he was done he decided to go back in jail like he never got out, so everybody would not know he was stealing.  Then the detective figured it out so he kept him in jail for a longer time.

Daddio: 9/29/11 Blog of the Day

Write a mystery story about the following picture.  Your story needs to be four paragraphs long.  One of the people in the picture below needs to be the detective in your mystery story and the other needs to be the suspect that did whatever crime the detective is trying to solve.  You can pick which is which.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

September 26, 2001Dear Gabe,                                                                                                                   
Happy birthday.  I am sure you'll grow  up to be just like Daddio.  In ten years you will have a mohawk.  I can't wait to play D&D with you.  I also hope you enjoy Heroscape.  Maybe we could play chess against each other or even checkers.  In thirty years you will be an intelligent and strong park-ranger or firefighter.
See you in the future,

Marney: Blog Of The Day

By Marney
     The sound of thunder is made when there is lighting.  Air around the lighting strike gets hot and cold.  Then it suddenly makes noise.  You can hear thunder when it is close because the sound travel is one mile every five seconds.  If you see lighting but hear no thunder that means the storm is ten miles away.
     Norse legends said that when Thor is angry there would be thunder and lighting.  Native Americans tribes said when Grandfather Thunder and Grandmother Moon get angry things break, like trees and houses, but there is also thunder and lighting.  Today people still tell their kids that two clouds crash together and make thunder and lighting.
     You can not have thunder without lighting because lighting makes thunder.  In Florida there is the most thunder because there is a bunch of lighting.  When people have a fear of thunder that is called brontophobia.  There are 44,000 thunder storms on the earth every day.

Connor: Blog Of The Day

By Connor
     Rain is a naturally occurring phenomenon.  The sun causes water to evaporate, which creates clouds.  As more water evaporates the clouds become more dense.  The release of this density is what causes rain.  Thus the entire process continues for eternity.  In a drought it can still rain, but the water tends to evaporate quickly.  Rain is also the cause of a few disasters.
     If there is more rain than needed a flood is caused.  Floods are a very destructive natural disaster.  Here in Marble Falls, the summer before we moved here, there was a flood.  Luckily the flood hadn't ruined Nana's house.  Floods are not very common, even in places near lakes or rivers.  There are a few rain caused disasters that are not considered natural.
     One such problem is slippery roads.  If it is cold enough H2O will freeze on bridges over water or otherwise.  It is advised that one drive slower on an icy bridge.  One can only imagine how many accidents would occur if driving slow and cautiously wasn't advised on frozen roads.  In short rain is very important to survival for humans and animals, because rain gives the animals water to drink and in turn gives us the food we need to live.  However if it rains too much there will be a flood and if it rains while it is below freezing outside, the bridges would freeze.

Mason: Blog Of The Day

Flash Floods
By Mason
     A flash flood is a sudden rush of water caused by heavy rain that falls too fast for the ground to absorb it.  It happens in low, flat areas like canyons and dry river beds.  A flash flood can happen when there is a hurricane or a tropical storm.  It can also happen when a dam collapses.  Flash floods can happen in a drought because when it rains the ground is too dry and hard to absorb the water quick enough.
     A lot of damage is caused by flash floods because of the fast moving water.  It can sweep away cars.  People get caught in their cars because they don't think its too deep to drive through.  A flash flood can destroy everything in its path.  It can knocks down trees.  When you are in a flood there is no protection unless you stay out of the path of the water.
     There are interesting things about flash floods. The worst flood in U.S. history happened in 1889. It happened in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.  It killed 2,200 people.  Flash floods kill more people in the United States every year than any other kind of weather.  

Connor: Word Challenge

All cars and phones and collectible items depreciate.
The Greek soldiers desecrated the temple of Athena in  Troy.
After the death of his father, the king, Hamlet was extremely despondent.

Avery: Blog Of The Day

By Avery
     We all know that rain is basically clouds.  The clouds are made out of water that is gathered up in the sky and when they get too full they "over flow" and it rains.  We also know that when the temperature is below 32 degrees stuff can freeze.  What about when it rains and it's below 32 degrees at the same time?  Sometimes there can be hail, really cold rain, or snow.  Snow is little, cold, thin ice that falls from the clouds like rain does.
     Snow is mostly rain, but frozen.  So imagine little ice flakes falling from the sky.  It snows in many places.  It does not snow much in Texas because it is really hot here and it doesn't rain as much.  For example, it won't snow now because it is hot, and we are in a drought.  It is most likely for it to snow in the winter.  That is because the weather cools down and it is more likely to rain then.
     Sometimes there can be blizzards.  Blizzards are really big snow storms. There are high winds, the snow is coming down really hard, and it can pile up really high.  In Texas there is not much snow, so it's not very likely for there to be blizzards.  For example: Nebraska and The North Pole are more likely to have blizzards.  What I am trying to say is that a blizzard is a terrible storm but with snow.

Gabe: Blog Of the Day

By Gabe

     Hail is small frozen rain drops that fall from the sky or refrozen snow covered in rain.  Small hail is really soft in the center.  Big hail has layers of hard and soft ice and snow.   The hail forms in the clouds where it is really cold and then when it comes down it normally melts when it hits the ground, or sometimes in the air.   As it falls though the air, It collects water drops when it comes down to harden it.
      Two years ago we were in a hail storm and we all had to go and get in the back closet of the house.  We were very scared in the hail storm because there was a lot of banging on the roof and cars.  The hail was about three inches around and it was very hard.  It looked like it was pouring hail and it made it look like it was snowing when there was so much on the ground.  After the storm there were lots of dead plants, some of our trees almost died from it.  Three windows got broken on our house and our cars got hurt.  Dad had to come home because it was piling up all over the roads.
     I learned some interesting facts about hail.  The biggest hail stone ever found was in Nebraska.  It was eighteen inches around.  It was the size of a soccer ball!  The longest hail storm was in Texas.  It lasted almost two hours and fifteen minutes.  That sounds really scary!

Daddio: 9/28/11 Blog of the Day

Last week you wrote poems about rain.  Today, I want you to right a report about how and why it rains?  Where does it come from?  How does it fall?  Why does it rain at all?  I don't necessarily want you answering these questions, but use them as examples of they types of topics you want to write about.  Maybe, for example, you just want to write about hail.  Or how rain can cause flash floods.  You can research these topics at factmonster or wikipedia.

Your report needs to be three paragraphs.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Marney: Blog Of The Day

September 26, 2001
Dear Gabe,
     You are so cute.  I am so happy to have a little brother.  I wanted to give you one thousand dollars but I did not have the money.  I always wanted a little brother because then I would have someone to play with. I think when you grow up you will be so cool.  I want to spend the whole day at Sea World with you when you get older.

Kiki: Blog Of The Day

September 26, 2001
Dear Gabe,
I am happy that you are born!  You are nice and happy.  When you are older I want to teach you how to play board games.  I also want you to learn how to speak in Spanish when you are older.  I want to teach you how to play Duck, Duck, Goose.  You will look very, very happy.

Mommio: Word Challenge

Write a sentence for each word.  
Anyone who can come up with a complete sentence that makes sense for each word gets a dollar!
depreciate- (verb) to lose value gradually
The Smiths sold their house, fearful that its value would depreciate due to the nuclear reactor being built
around the corner.
desecrate- (verb) to abuse something sacred
The archaeologist tried to explain to the explorer that he had desecrated the temple by spitting in it
despondent- (adjective) discourages, dejected, depressed
Mr. Baker was lonely and despondent after his wife's death.

*all words, definitions and sentences are from the Kaplan SAT Vocabulary Prep Level 1

Mason: Blog Of The Day

September 26, 2001
Dear Gabe,
I am really excited about having a new brother!  Someday you can play chess with me. Someday you can play board games with me.  One day you can play the Wii with me.  Someday you'll be able to play catch with me. See you in ten years Gabe.

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Sept. 26, 2001
 Dear Gabriel,
     You will be a very happy kid when you get older.  You will choose insane hair styles and cool clothes.  When you are around thirty years old you might be a world-wide famous park ranger at Yosemite Falls.  You live in Austin at the moment, but who knows where you will end up next.  You might live in Egypt or Japan!  You will make a great brother who will help around the house and be very nice and caring to everyone.  Even though you will get frustrated every now and then, you will still be very awesome.  You should be looking forward to all the adventures.  We could go to South Carolina or the beach.  See you in 10 years pony boy.

Daddio: 9/27/11 Blog of the Day

Yesterday was Gabe's 10th birthday!  In honor of his birthday, I want you to write a letter to him.  But the catch is that the letter has to be dated September 26, 2001.

That's right!  For today's blog of the day, I want you to pretend like you're writing a letter to Gabe on the day he was born!  Write to him about all the great things he has to look forward to, and maybe some things he needs to prepare himself for.  Also feel free to write to him about what you think he's going to be like when he turns twenty or thirty years old too.

Please remember to be nice.  I don't want people insulting Gabe in his birthday posts.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lakeside Academy (Sept. 26th): Pirates

Arrggghhh! Today was Pirate day at Lakeside Academy!  We also had a new friend join us today- we're all happy to have another boy join our little group, but we also missed Miki and Josephine today.  After playing outside a bit we started our day with circle time.  We sang our welcome song, did show-and-tell, read some funny pirate books, tried on our new pirate hats and eye patches and played a coin counting game in English and Spanish.  Everyone did well in circle time today and we were really impressed with the four younger 
boys doing show-and-tell.

 In art today we made paper bag pirate puppets.  The older kids did a lot of cutting and gluing, while the younger ones practiced with the glue and placing the pieces on their puppets.  They all turned out great!

 Then on to lunch time- we're hoping that the kids will start eating more lunch after they are used to being with us every week- right now everyone is too excited to sit and eat for very long!

 After lunch we went on a pirate treasure hunt.  We got our pirate gear on and followed the clues all around the yard until the treasure was uncovered in the sand box.  The kids all really loved finding the 
hidden gold and jewels.

 We went back inside for a little music time with some fun pirate action songs and then it was time to cook with Nana.  Today we made vegetable swords and ships.  The swords were made out of carrots and cucumbers, the ships were celery stuffed with cream cheese, and the pirates were raisins. 
It was fun and yummy!

 We finished the day (another hot one) with some sprinkler time.

We were all pretty tired at the end of the day!
  The kids are all doing great at Lakeside Academy and enjoying their time together.  We'll miss them next week- but look forward to talking about Zoo Animals in two weeks.

Mommio: Happy Birthday Gabe!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mommio: Max's Mini Strawberry Pies

Max decided that he wants to be a chef when he grows up and that he will need to cook something every single day until then.  The first thing he wanted to make was strawberry pie- 
so we used this recipe for mini pies.
For the most part Max did all of this by himself, and loved doing it!  First he cleaned the strawberries, cut them up, then put them in a big bowl with sugar to let them sit.

 Next he made the crumbly topping by mixing flour, brown sugar, cinnamon and chunks of butter.

 Then he cut out round pieces from store bought pie crust to put in the bottom each muffin tin.

 The next step was to add a little lemon juice and corn starch to the strawberries, stir them up and scoop some into each mini pie.

 He finished them off by sprinkling them with the crumble topping.  
 We had extra so he made a big pie too and especially enjoyed arranging the dough stripes on top.

They all baked for a while and turned out beautifully.  Good job Chef Max!