Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mommio: Blog Of The Day

Dear Kids,
      Thank you all for the nice things you said about me as your teacher.  I was happy to hear that you all think I am a good teacher, even though you really have no one to compare me to!  I think that I am a great teacher too.  When we started homeschooling I was not sure how I would do as your teacher, but after doing it for many years I never worry about that anymore.  I feel like I am a patient teacher and that I manage to give each of you the individual time you need to learn new things.  I can see how well I am doing by watching each one of you learn more every day.
      You are all excellent students and I'm proud of all of you!  Connor- I think your improvement in math lately is excellent and I also appreciate that you have learned the value of getting your work done on time.  Mason- I have watched you become an awesome reader this year and feel like we have accomplished so much together through all of your hard work.  Avery- your independence is amazing.  You have been such a breeze to teach and I think that you have learned to also respect my opinion as a teacher and take my suggestions.  Gabe- I know that you like to work with me, but I am also happy to say that you have now learned to work on your own too.  You've learned to be patient with me and wait, which has been really important in our busy house.  Marney- you are suck a quick learner that I might have to start thinking a little "outside the box" because pretty soon you'll know more than I do on every subject.  That's what being such a great reader does for you!  Kiki- when we do school together you are so grown-up.  I love watching you learn and seeing the way your eyes light up when you know that you have just learned something new.  It was great having Nana teach you early on but I am so glad you are ready to work with me now.  Max- you little smarty pants, you are really speeding up in school. Just this week we got rid of ABC cards, ABC writing and your song- wow!  And Jack- I think you know more than all of us combined already and I can't wait to start school with you.
     Although I think school is going well lately, I am always looking for ways to improve what we're doing and I really liked the suggestions you had.  I think we need to come up with a more solid schedule, one that we stick to.  I would love to get to our unit study on a more regular basis, it seems to be the thing that we drop because we get busy in the afternoons.  I also want to add in more of the things you guys love (and I love to teach): art, science, cooking and music. I think we need to work harder on our writing, some of you should be writing research papers and reports.  Last, I would really love to find a way for Dad to be more involved in your schooling.  We run out of time for that and I think we should all find a way to make it a priority because he is an amazing teacher too! 


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