Thursday, August 11, 2011

Daddio: 8/11/11 Blog of the Day

Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit us!  So in honor of them, I want you to write an action/adventure story about the picture below.  An action/adventure story is where the characters go on an exciting adventure, usually through crazy or interesting places and then have to do amazing stunts or feats to solve a problem.  Your story must be five paragraphs long.  Grandma and Grandpa need to be the main characters and the heroes of the story.  There needs to be a villain in the story who is one of the people that lives in our house (thus, not Nana or Popo).  There can only be dialogue in three of your five paragraphs (or you can choose to have no dialogue at all).  No talking animals.  No mythological story elements.  Go crazy!


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