Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

    In Syria the citizens are protesting everything their president is doing.  Bashar has tried to put an end to the protesting by blocking pages of facebook, youtube, and kind of twitter.  The Syrian soldiers were forced to kill protesters according to some groups.  The soldiers that refuse to kill the protesters either are shot or desert the army.  The government is accused of keeping "lawbreakers" hostage.  These hostages are editors, newspaper spokespeople, and the families of those who protest or his known political rivals.

      The government officials are on one side.  The groups that want Bashar to resign are on the opposite side of the conflict.  Finally, we have the foreign groups, the Arab League and the UN are against Bashar in order to assist the civilians.  So far the UN and Arab League have been trying to resolve the conflict by telling Bashar to resign.  The countries may need to go to war against Bashar if the problem gets worse.

      The government has been killing the protesters since January first of this year.  More people died at the beginning of this month.  Bashar has denied many rebellious parts of the country water and in the more rebellious parts of the country they were also denied food.  Government officials reportedly vandalized churches and mosques in some parts of Syria.  The citizens started protesting because Bashar was taking away some of their rights from their constitution.

I read about this on the Wikipedia page and on CNN.


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