Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gabe: Blog Of The Day

     The exhibit I liked the most was the curiosity cabinet room because it has a whole bunch of drawers with different things in each one.  One of the drawers had a steel sword and three stone knives.  In a cabinet  there was a cool turtle skeleton and you can tell it was a turtle skeleton.  One of the drawers had a cool steel curved sword.
     No one really knows the history of the exhibit because they don't label things.  They don't label things because they want you to be curious of what it is.  As an example there is a tall skeleton in a big glass case but nobody knows what it is.  Just like the curved steel sword, no one knows what it is.  No one knows what is actually in the exhibit.
      I learned a lot of things in the curiosity cabinets.  I didn't know that a whale skull was that big. I didn't know that people spent that much time carving rocks just for knives.   I really liked the curosity cabinets.


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