Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Daddio: 8/31/11 Blog of the Day

Write a story about the following picture.  Your story needs to be in a first-person perspective- which means the story is narrated by one person who refers to themselves as they tell the story.  A first-person narrative story is like a person actually telling you the story.  An example is: "I'm a detective in a broken down city.  I was down on my luck the day the heiress walked into my office and told me that she had a big case for me." For your story, I want you to write your story from the perspective of the giant woman in the lake. In your story, the woman can't speak the same language as anyone else around her-- so NO dialogue.

Your story needs to be four paragraphs long, and you need to have two major characters other than the woman who's telling the story.


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