Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Gabe: Blog Of The Day

Dear Mom,
     I think you are a really good teacher.  I like the way you do unit because we do reading then mapping.  I think you choose good curriculum and books.  You help us when we need help, like on our blog and on our math and grammar.  I think you are good at teaching Max and Kiki their phonics and teaching Max to read and learn how to recognize new words.
     I think I am doing okay at school.  I think I have been writing more on my blogs.  I like doing my math because I have been doing division.  I think I should improve my focus on my math.  I have been doing better at my alone work because I am not coming out of my room until I am done.
     I think we should do all of our music at the same time instead of spreading it out.  I think that would be better because we could work on doing duets with our different instruments.  I think we should have longer art classes because we have fun doing art but we want to do more.  I think Dad should do more guitar with me.  We need to start doing Powerhouse with Dad.  I would also like to have a photography day where we go outside and take picture of nature and animals.  I want to have a unit study about cactus and studying what their parts are called and stuff like that.


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