Monday, August 1, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

Spend Time With The Younger Kids
I have not been spending much time with the kids lately.  Rather I have been in solitude recovering from surgery last week.  As for all of July I don't have an excuse.  I will be around the younger kids much more often starting this week.
Learn To Drive
This goal is difficult to complete.  I have unofficially learned the basics from Mommio, but I need to read a book about driving so I can pass the written test and actually learn to drive the car.  However, every time we drive by the DMV, or rather the Marble Falls courthouse, it is closed.  If we can't get the pamphlet there they have it online.  That is all I have to say about this topic at the time of writing.  I will learn to drive sometime this month I'm sure, but if I don't I will learn eventually.


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