Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mason: Blog Of The Day

     There have been protests in Syria and they started on January 26, 2011.  The people are protesting so their president will step down.  The president is Bashar al-Assad.  They want him to leave because he has been killing innocent people.  The government of Syria is using tanks and snipers to stop the protesting.  There have been a lot of people killed since the protesting started.  The people in Syria want to stop the killings.
     I think we should be helping the people of Syria because their president is just really evil.  I think we should tell people what is happening there and that will help because more people will want to help the people of Syria.  I think that if the United States send military to fight against al-Assad it could start a war and that would be very bad.  I think we should pick the side of the people.  Mostly because the president has killed a bunch of innocent people.
    In other countries in the Middle East people have also been overthrowing their leaders lately.  Last week, the people of Libya overthrew their government and kicked out their president, Qaddafi.  It has also happened in Egypt and Tunisia.  Right now in the Middle East there has been lots of protest.  I feel like we should be doing something.

Sources: NY Times Article, Wikipedia Article


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