Thursday, August 11, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

No More To Be Seen
Avery Jones
    One day as I was driving to my grandchildren's house in Marble Falls, Texas when I saw a turtle crawling in front of my car.  I hit the brakes and the car was angled in front of the poor little thing.  I got out of the car and picked it up.  It looked at me with an angry face.  I took it back to the car and put it in a small bag.  Suddenly a big screen popped up in the middle of the car between me and my husband.  It had a little person appear on both sides of the TV like thing.  "We need to talk now!", said the small man.  "You two are now my new secret agents."
      I had a surprised look on my face and I crossed my arms in front of my chest and said, "Agents? Is this some little prank Avery and Gabe are playing on us?  No one just sends turtles with big screens attached to their backs around the world because they need some new agents."  He sighed and rolled his eyes at me.  He explained everything else.  "Now put these suits on", he said with in a secretive tone.  "You don't want anyone know who you really are."  I grabbed some suits from the back of the turtle's shell and handed one to my husband, Robert.  We drove to the nearest rest stop and changed in the bathrooms.  The suits were purple with black stripes on the pants.  I wished I didn't have to wear it.  We also had to spray paint our beautiful, red car lavender.  I almost cried.  Robert took a turn driving to the hotel.
      We stayed at the La Quinta Inn and Suites.  We unpacked then ran outside to the nearest tree.  Then a squirrel handed me a note.  The note said we had to go to Johnson Park and dig a hole near the little bridge.  After digging the big hole, we slid down a giant tube.  It took us to this lab.  A big screen appeared in front of us.  A this time a big man showed up.  "You two need to stop this little creature Franki!  He has been trying to stop the world from spinning so that we will catch on fire from the sun."  I looked at him and took a few steps back.  "Uh... we... we're on it sir.", I said.  Robert and I ran to the car and drove to the Jones household.
     Lucky for us, Franki was in the back yard.  We parked our car in the field next to the house so no one could see it.  Rob grabbed a dart gun out of his pocket and shot Franki in the back of the neck.  The dog fell to the ground paralyzed.  I was nervous that they would think the dog was missing.  Although he kinda was, but I was still very worried.  I ran up and picked up the 46 pound dog and took it to the car.  We drove back to the park and went down the tube with their dog.
      We showed it to the big man on the screen.  He gave us very complicated instructions.  Suddenly, Franki woke up and bit my leg!  I couldn't move.  Rob shot another dart at the dog and this time hit his stomach.  I dragged myself over to a couch and sat down.  Robert had to do some surgery on him.  He put a chip in his head that made him forget everything.  Then we went back to the Jones house, woke up Franki, put on our clothes and took the paint off our car.  We went to the door to visit the children.  Jack ran out the door, hugged Robert and I and then walked us inside.
The End


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