Thursday, August 4, 2011

Marney: Blog Of The Day

The Pictures
By Marney
     One day there were a family of three people.  There was the dad, the kid and the other kid.  The kids names were Jack and Jake.  The dad's name was Grey.  They all woke up one morning and they were super tired.  But they still had to go to a picture place.  So they got breakfast and got in the car.  Then they got to the picture place.     
     Then they were all excited so they went inside.  The dad picked up the camera and the boys got up there on the stage.  The boys got in a funny pose and the dad took a picture. Then the dad got his picture taken by the boys.  But that picture did not turn out so good.  Then that was when the dad did not want a picture.    
    They went home and they took naps, but Jack did not.  He put a fake mustache on and had to stay in the bathroom.  Then the dad woke up.  Then Jake woke up. Then they all went back to the picture place because they wanted another picture.    
     So then they were at the picture place.  Then Grey sat down to watch TV.  Then he changed the channel and then My Name Is Earl came on TV.  Then Grey said to Jack, "You have an Earl mustache." Then they took a picture.
      Then they went home and they had fun.  Then Jack said that it was a fake mustache. Then everyone laughed.  Then Jack said, "No, for real."  Then Grey and Jake said, "Okay." Then they all had so much fun.


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