Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kiki: Blog Of The Day

     One day there were three people called Jack, Grandma and Grandpa.  They had to go to Turtle Land to get a special turtle for Marney.  There was a person called Mommio, and she wanted to stop them from getting the turtle.  But they wanted to bring the turtle back and give it to Marney. 
     On the first day they went to Witch Land.  In Witch Land they had to climb over a giant tower.  The evil Mommio was throwing stuff at them.  They got on the top of the tower and climbed down.  They were worried that the evil Mommio was going to throw more stuff at them when they were at the bottom.
     Then they went to Flower Land.  There were horses that were evil.  They had to eat the horses.  Evil Mommio told the horses to run away.  But Jack, Grandma and Grandpa caught them and ate them.
     Then they got to Turtle Land.  They couldn't get in to Turtle Land because the evil Mommio was blocking it off.  She told the people to make all the turtles go away.  They threw stuff at evil Mommio, like sticks and flowers, and she hated it.  They ran and got the special turtle.
     They went home and gave the turtle to Marney.  Marney was so happy.  Then they figured out that the evil Mommio was dead.  So they all had fun playing with the special turtle.


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