Thursday, August 4, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Mini Man
By Ava
     One day a 7 year old boy named Jake went to the park with his mom.  His mom's name was Jo.  Jo found someone for Jake to talk to.  Jake went to talk to this little girl.  Her name was Carla.  Carla was 5 years old and had a job.  She tested science experiments.  Jake went with her to a lab because they had to test something on her.  They put her in this big machine and pulled a lever.  There were flashing lights everywhere.
     Jake was scared and ran to the back of the room.  Carla walked out of the machine and looked at everyone's frightened faces.  She ran to a mirror and screamed.  Her head looked like her dad's.  She freaked out and ran around the room.  She calmed down after 10 minutes of screaming and decided that she couldn't go home looking like that.  She decided to sleep at Jake's house until the whole thing was taken care of.
     She tried to get rid of her beard and mustache by using scissors.  Then she took off the glasses and used contact lenses.  She put on one of Jo's awesome wigs that she makes.  The wig she chose looked a lot like her real hair.  Jo walked into the room.  She screamed and pulled Jake out of the room.  Jake explained everything to Jo.  She calmed down and tried helping them.  Carla looked a lot like herself again.
     She felt much better.  She spent all night thinking of something that could make her look like herself.  Finally, Carla thought of a reverse potion that could change her back to normal.  She drew it on a big white board and explained it to Jo and Jake.  They understood what they had to do.  The next morning Jo ran to the store and grabbed all the things they needed.  They ran to the lab and put the potion together.
      They put the potion in a metal box and attached it to the machine.  Carla stepped inside and told Jake what to do.  He pressed the red buttons on the bottom and pushed the lever up.  It was the opposite of what the other people did to her.  She stepped out and ran to the mirror and looked at her normal self.  She was happy to see she was her old self again.
The end


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