Monday, August 29, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

     For the art/talent show I did two things.  First, I taught Kiki and Max ( Jack didn't feel like doing it) some yoga.  I taught them a sun-salutation that I learned a long time ago when I started taking my yoga classes.  A sun-salutation is a ton of yoga poses put into a flowing movement.  There are very many sun-salutations, and you can make up your own.  I like sticking to the simple one that I do every day with them.  Max and Kiki did very good and followed what I said and what I was doing.  Max does very, very well at the sun-salutations.  He does it as good as Kiki!
     The other thing I did at the art/talent show was playing my recorder.  I played a duet with Marney that was called "Down the Valley". I was very pretty. I played part A, the higher notes. And Marney played part B, the lower notes. We played it from the beginners recorder book that we got about two years ago. I love playing the recorder.  You can see the video on Marney's post.
      I also played "Don't Stop Believin'" from the Glee Soundtrack book. I got that book almost three months ago. I played it a little slower that I was supposed to, but that was because the song had a note that I didn't know yet in it.  Next I'm going to learn how to play Rehab by Amy Whinehouse on the recorder. I am super excited!
       I also played the Native American Flute.  I played some of the notes that I learned.  It is very different from the recorder, it only has six holes in it.  It also has very low notes.  I like it because it sounds very nice and calm.


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