Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mason: Blog Of The Day

Mason Goes To Pluto
By Mason
     One day Mason the astronaut was getting ready for his mission to Pluto.  The reason he was going to Pluto was because he wanted to see if there was any life on it.  Mason was getting his equipment ready for the trip.  He got his helmet and his space suit and oxygen tank.  He got pudding and he got some water.  Then he mapped out his trip to Pluto.  Then he said good bye to his family.
     Now Mason was in his ship in outer space.  It was very long and it was very lonely.  He passed through the milky way and he saw the big dipper and little dipper.  He passed all the planets.  Mason finally saw Pluto and landed on it.
     Mason saw that everything was purple on Pluto.  He saw aliens that looked like humans.  But there was one big difference.  The grown ups were little, and the kids were big.
     Mason met two aliens and they said that their names were Max and William.  They talked nice to him and showed him around the town.  Mason asked them why the kids were big and the grown ups were small.  They explained that they go through reverse aging.
     Before Mason went back home he took pictures. When Mason was back on earth he told everyone what he discovered.  He showed them all the pictures he took of the aliens.  Mason become famous.  


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