Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

      In the museum I saw an actual mummy in the Ancient Egypt exhibit.  In the Ancient Egypt exhibit there was also a pair of stone blocks, one on a sled the other on the ground.  There was also magnetic puzzle in the shape of a jar.  There was actual Egyptian pottery on display.  The ones in the back of the display case dated back around five thousand years ago.  The pottery in the front of the display case was three thousand years old.  There was a bust of what archeologists thought the mummy on display looked like when it was alive.
    The exhibit teaches people about Ancient Egypt.  The actual artifacts, including the mummy, were authentic.  The exhibit is important in that it is meant to teach people about the culture of Ancient Egypt.  Some of the artifacts have existed for thousands of years without breaking.  The exhibit also features a copy of the famous Rosetta Stone, which can translate Hieroglyphics into the Egyptian language and then into Greek.  The exhibit shows the art/writing of the Ancient Egyptians, the funeral hieroglyphs found on the walls of a Pharaoh's tomb.

        Being able to see an actual mummy interested me.  I enjoyed looking at the artifacts and was surprised by how old they were.  The copy of the Rosetta Stone was extremely interesting, despite being just a copy.  I loved the copy of the hieroglyphs because they represented the mythology and customs of Ancient Egypt.  Just seeing the historic artifacts and exact replicas was amazing.


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