Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

Dear Mommio,                                                                                                                      August 3, 2011

I think you are doing a wonderful job teaching us.  Our unit this month and last month has been an interesting one.  I can't wait for the Civil War unit we will be starting next week or so.  The Red Badge of Courage is a great book in my opinion.  I also love the history book I have been reading.  Science or rather physics is a good subject as well.  I respect the amount of effort you put in to teaching us and as such would like to thank you.

I think that I am doing better in math than I have in the past.  It might be because of the squares and square roots or because it provides more of a challenge.  I know I'm doing good with history and I can't wait to read world history.  I also know I've been having trouble with the blog posts I have written lately.  I am not doing to well with D. E. A. R reading and I am sorry about that.  I think I should improve on a few things.  I should improve upon my blog posts.  I should have capitals in the right place and correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.  I should edit more and not complain about it.  I shouldn't complain about having to do math or correct math either.  As for the Red Badge of Courage, I should read more even if it is a bit difficult and I am extremely sorry about not reading more than I have been.  I should also work harder on my resolution to spend more time with the kids.   I am sorry that I am not a great student and as such I shall strive to improve.

I have a few ideas about what could be changed.  I would like to have a more complex book for physics than what the kids are reading.  I want to do more science stuff with Daddio, mainly chemistry.  I would like to do SAT stuff in my room so I don't have to deal with a high noise level while answering those questions.  I would also like it if we read at the food table at night instead of saying we will and never getting to it.


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