Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Gabe: Blog Of The Day

     Syria is a country in the Middle East which is part of Asia.  There is lots of conflict in Syria.  There are lots of protests in Syria because the people of Syria want to over rule their government because the people of Syria don't like their president.  They don't like their president because he kills them and tortures them. The protesters are fighting back.  
     There are thousands of people in the streets of  Syria.  They are protesting because they want the president to stop killing the people of Syria. The people are also protesting for Al-Assad to give them freedom.  The people of Syria are going on hunger strikes so they can protest more.  Islamic groups are taking advantage of this time to protest to kick out Al-Assad but for a different reason.
     Al-Assad is trying to stop everyone from trying to kick him out because he still wants to be president. Al-Assad is shutting off electricity and water from the people of Syria to help him with still ruling Syria.  He is also sending out tanks to shoot them because he does not want them there.  He is also sending his military out on the streets to kill people and if they refuse to kill the people then the soldiers get killed.  Now Al-Assad is saying he did not do it.

Sources:  Wikipedia Article, NY Times Article     


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