Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mommio: Art Class- Immpressionists- Pissarro

Today in art class we continued our study of Impressionist painters with a focus on 
Camille Pissarro (1830-1903).
Pissarro, who was born in St. Thomas, studied art in Paris and later became one of the major leaders of Impressionist art.  Other artists of the time (like Monet) considered him to be a father figure.  He was well known for his paintings of outdoor scenes using bright colors and quick, short brushstrokes.  Pissarro like to tell other painters to "use dabs...and short brushstrokes...apply the paint thickly...cover the whole canvas in the first sitting, and work until there is nothing more to add."  Today we took a look at some of his work by first watching a virtual gallery, and paying special attention to his brushstrokes.

Then we took a closer look at The Red Roofs, Corner of a Village, Winter; 1887.  We discussed his use of strong, bold colors.  We also looked at the brushstrokes and discussed how they were similar and different from Monet and Renoir's work.  
For today's project the kids had to paint a landscape using their gouache paints, various brushes and short dashes for brushstrokes- following Pissarro's instructions.  And here's a look at their work.

*Our art classes are based on the lessons we find in Artistic Pursuits.  
This one was inspired by Lesson 5 in Grade K-3 Book Three.


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