Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mason: Blog Of The Day

Dear Mom,
      I think that you are doing a good job as a teacher.  I like it when you read to us at unit.  I like that at art you read about the artist and paintings.  I like that you help me improve my reading.  I like that you are helping me improve my writing.    
     I am doing really good as a student.  I am working really hard on my math, I get 90% or higher.  I am now really good at reading.  I have started to read Harry Potter, I really like it.  I am a better at art and I have learned new skills.    
     I want to do a new unit on Canada.  I want to do more cooking projects.  I want to swim before school.  I want to speed up on math.  I want to do two lessons a day so I can get to the next level fast.


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