Thursday, August 11, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The End Of The Universe
By Connor M. Jones

        In a space ship a thousand miles from Earth a mysterious voice said "Now I will destroy the universe with my evil ray beam."  The villain raised its left hand and wrote a note with a pen.  It laughed evilly while doing so.  Suddenly the villain realized that the ship was running out of fuel.  The villain regretted forgetting to fuel its ship with gasoline.  In the last moments of the ship's hovering, the villain tried to figure out how to fix it.  Suddenly the ship fell and crash landed on Earth.  Fortunately for the villain the note landed intact and continued to the people it was addressed to.

      Meanwhile, in Alabama, Joan and Robert were getting ready for a trip to see their grandchildren.  When all of a sudden a note entered the mailbox.  Joan went to get the mail, found the note, and showed it to Robert.  Joan and Robert were confused about who had sent the note, and wondered how the sender could have known Max was up to no good.  They entered their house and came out as The Amazing Grandpa and Super Grandma.  The Amazing Grandpa flew toward the Jones' household in Marble Falls, Texas.  Super Grandma, on the other hand, used the talking car and her teleportation powers to get there.  Once there, Joan and Robert took turns changing their outfits in the car.

      Max was standing at the front door waiting for them to enter.  Joan picked Max up and asked if he had been well behaved.  As it turned out Max was behaving as well as he usually does.  Suddenly, Jennifer entered the living room after hiding the Christmas presents in an unknown area of the house.  Jack entered the room soon and started complaining that Max hurt him despite the fact that Max wasn't near him at all.  It didn't seem that Max was really any danger to anyone and as such they assumed the note was a mistake.  Little did they know the note was sent there for a reason.

       The villain had managed to trick Super Grandma and The Amazing Grandpa.  Soon he would rule all with his power.  A second message was sent toward Joan and Robert's location.  The villain knew he was the only one capable of confusing and utterly fooling two super heroes.  He couldn't see himself losing.  He could foresee a brand new empire stronger than the Roman or Greek empires.  He would rule the empire with an iron fist and a gold pen.
     Suddenly Super Grandma and The Amazing Grandpa showed up.  Kyle said,  "So you got my note.  You fools!  I am the King Of Mixed Messages.  How can you expect to defeat me, when I have managed to trick you?!"  Super Grandma used her super strength to throw a whale skull at him.  Alas, The King of Mixed Messages turned the whale skull into a seashell with his literary powers.  The Amazing Grandpa used his transform powers to turn into a bat and emit a loud SCREECH and subdue The King of Mixed Messages.  They took Kyle to jail and soon afterward his first and second books were published.  From jail, The King of Mixed Messages started to write the third Norn's Quest book.


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